In a remarkable turn-around the Vermont House today passed HB 629 a bill that restores the right of all Vermont-born adoptees to obtain their Original Birth Certificates without restrictions or conditions. The bill also separates OBC access from the Adoption Registry, and does away with Disclosure Vetoes regarding OBC access currently on file. This is the first time that we know of where a restricted bill transformed into a clean bill and passed. The vote was 149-1. You can watch the quick vote here at the 18:00-18:40 minute marker. The amended bill is not yet posted on the official Vermont Legislature site, but you can read it here.
This has been a remarkable experience. The Vermont House Judiciary Committee. after a rocky start due to some misunderstandings on both sides, held several hearings where members took the time to get to know advocates, the history and issues surrounding sealed records, and the lived experience of the adopted people of Vermont and those of us outside of the state. Members asked intelligent questions and treated adopted people like human beings, not embarrassing cattle shunted out the backdoor as in some states.
The Vermont Adoptee Rights Working Group, formed only recently, put in a tremendous amount of time and energy to get this bill through, and to get it right. Special thanks to Rebecca Dragon, Rebecca Henson, Mary Anna King, and Ellie Lane, from the Working Group. This group is a core partner with Bastard Nation, The Adoptee Rights Law Center, Adoptees United with the New York Adoptee Rights Coalition (a strategic partner ) in the New England Adoptee Rights Coalition. (NEAR) We also want to thank Amber Burke, JD, Committee Assistant who guided us through the process and kept us updated.
And a final thanks to all of you who participated in this journey.
The journey, however, is only half complete. HB 629 now moves to the Senate and a 1st hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23,

Yay! Congratulations for the hard work! Beautifully done, coalition.
Great news! Congratulations to the Committee and all involved. HOPE the VT Senate sees the light, too! I celebrate with you, and will follow your story.
Ellen, still searching via DNA in California
How gratifying! Thank you to everyone involved including Dragon, Lane, and Henson, the Representatives if Vermont, and or own Grenier for excellent coverage. Would that every legislation involve such thoughtful people!
Albert, I’d love to see action like this in SC
With bill in House Judiciary!