Our friend James Lane has some good news!
You may remember that last year James ran for New York City Advocate on the Green Party ticket (and here).. He is also active in the New York Unsealed Initiative campaign.
Yesterday James introduced GreenPartyAdoptionReform.com and its platform which reads in part:
Due to current laws millions of adults that were adopted as children are now being denied access to vital records regarding their births. This is a basic human right that Green Party should be committed to help in abolishing the secrets and lies that surround many adoptions around the world by creating necessary transparency between adoptees, their mothers and adoptive parents.
I want to send people over to the page itself, so I won’t publish the planks here . I’m sure you’ll be very pleased with them. Very bastardized!
The “left-right paradigm” is pretty outdated, and American politics, even at the state level, is standing on its head right now. OBCs access has been framed as both a liberal and conservative issue. Pat Robertson, during the Sunquist litigation claimed that the adoptee rights movement was a pro-abortion front, even though Republicans have sponsored most of the the successful clean records bills. We are equally opportunity hated.
Whatever we are or aren’t, though, the situation with PCAR, NOW, and the ACLU in Pennsylvania in the last few days (see blogs directly below) illustrate that liberal protectionists and nanny statists are just as reactionary as the guys on the other side of the aisle.We’re the nail for everybody’s hammer.

Now, we all know that the Greens are not about to take our various statehouses. But, it is important that minority parties like the Greens (especially when somebody like the impressive James Lane is heading up the plan) become involved in the battle to restore our rights.
Greens can influence.liberal and prog elements to stand back and take a look at the injustice and stupidity of sealed OBCs. If the Greens say it’s OK, then.. And maybe we can get some elected.
Green Party Adoption Reform wants your input. Please go over to the page and post your thoughts.
I hope to interview James in the next couple weeks, and post it here.
Welcome to the battlefield!
As a side note, around 1997 the Minnesota Libertarian Party added an adoptee rights plank to its platform. I have no idea what happened to it. Would some of our libertarian bastards like to work at that end?
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